How to Spend Your Time Between Therapy Sessions
Until My Next Session: A 12 Session Guided Journal For Sharing My Thoughts and Observing My Growth While in Therapy
Does it seem like FOREVER before you get to see your therapist again?
Until My Next Session provides space for you to:
- Reflect on your last session
- Express your thoughts and feelings
- Analyze your growth and progress
- Identify your triggers
- Celebrate your big and small wins
- Stay focused on improvement

Get More Out of Therapy with This Journal
A place for you to write all your secrets and successes until you see your therapist again.
Gain Clarity of Thought
If you don't know what to say or need help expressing your thoughts, our prompts will guide you through.
Improve Relationships
Take time to think through your decisions with the prompts inside before you respond to yourself or someone else.
Communicate Confidently
If you have some thoughts and feelings that need to be released, open up a page and write freely.
Cope Healthier
Flip through our gentle reminders and affirmations to practice skills learned in therapy.

Hey, I'm Natasha Jones, Therapist and Author!
Born to heal, Natasha Jones is the Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Practitioner to seek when you are ready to walk into the life you were created to live.
Since 2005, Natasha has helped over 500 individuals walk in truth knowing that healing is possible. In addition to her ability to connect with others to bring healing, Natasha has no lack of formal training. Alongside the aforementioned licensure, Natasha is also a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC), Internationally Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ICAADC), and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) with training in Logosynthesis, EFT, TTT, and a number of other healing modalities. Continual improvement and deeper understanding is no stranger to Natasha.
Natasha believes in addressing the core and root of the issues faced by individuals she serves and wholeheartedly believes in going through the process to get the rewards, and pushes those she serves to do the same. With over 15 years of experience, Natasha is the therapist that facilitates the transformation from broken to whole and empty to full for individuals worldwide.
See How Others Found This Journal Useful
Filled with prompts, mandalas, mazes, meditations, and open space to release, Until My Next Session leaves nothing to be desired.
P. Mayo Says:
Thank you so much!!! This was right on time! I can’t wait to update you once I’ve broken it alllll the way I’m! I can’t wait until your next book!!
Got it in the mail yesterday. Read through it. I think it is great. It feels good in my hands. Looks good to my eyes. Wonderful focused information on the inside.
Janice Says:
Courtnei Says:
Until My Next Session is filled with guided prompts, thought provoking questions, and HOPE. If you're not yet in therapy or use self-help tools, this is a great way to track the progress that you are actually making towards your mental health's wellness goal. If you are currently in therapy but feel like you need more time with your therapist, Until My Next Session offers an open space for you to place those thoughts until your next session with your therapist. Unlike other journals, this guided journal does not time your progress and lock you into days, but rather guides you through the phases you may go through as they arrive while processing through your mental health and thoughts. Every day on the journey to mental well-being is different, just like the pages inside of this journal. I am so glad to have found this journal and I'm sure you will be too!
Are you ready to flourish between therapy sessions?
If you’re ready to live a FULL life using coping skills you learn ON DEMAND; if you’re ready to communicate confidently to improve your relationships with others and yourself; and, if you’re ready to let out your most private thoughts that you normally only share with your therapist ANYTIME you want, purchase your journal right now!